Frequently asked questions about the B&B Store
Q: How do I access the store?
A: You can access the store at https://www.mmipromo.com/bbtheatres-rewards.
Q: What is my login for the store?
A: Your login for the store is the same email address that you use in Paycom. Note that this should be your personal email address, not your @bbtheatres.com address. Location supply orders can be placed using the theatre email address by the management team.
Q: How do I earn points that can be used to purchase items on the store?
A: There are many ways to earn points, including watching Paycom Learning videos, winning contests, and being awarded Movie Magic points by a supervisor.
Q: How do I know which items from the store can be worn in the theatre?
A: Non-managerial staff and some positions may wear any of the options listed as "APPROVED IN THEATRE UNIFORMS." Some items, such as ball caps, are only for kitchen staff. If you are unsure about whether an item is appropriate to wear in the theatre, please check with your GM, DM, or Operations team leaders. All other items on the store are for personal use.
Q: How long will it take to receive my order?
A: Orders are shipped once a week to the address provided at checkout. Some items may be shipped directly to the theatre along with other orders in order to save on shipping costs. Please note that it may take some time to receive your order. This is to help keep the program cost-effective.